Download Stock Android Emoji for Galaxy S24 Ultra

Are you a fan of the clean, expressive style of stock Android emojis? If you’re using a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra and prefer the look of Google’s emojis, there’s an easy way to switch.

Thanks to a handy Magisk module, you can replace the default Samsung OneUI emojis with those from stock Android. This guide will walk you through the simple steps to make this fun change to your device.

Download Android Stock Emoji Magisk Module

Before you begin, you’ll need to download the necessary Magisk module. This is a small file that will make all the magic happen. Click below to download the module directly to your Galaxy S24 Ultra.


How To Install and Use the Magisk Module:

  1. Ensure Magisk is Installed: Your device must be rooted with Magisk. If it’s not already, you’ll need to root your phone using Magisk.
  2. Download the Module: Use the link provided above to download the emoji replacement module.
  3. Open Magisk Manager: Navigate to the Magisk Manager app on your device.
  4. Install the Module: In the Magisk Manager, tap on the ‘Modules’ section, then select ‘Install from storage’. Find the downloaded zip file and select it.
  5. Reboot Your Device: Once the module is installed, reboot your device to apply the changes.
  6. Enjoy Your New Emojis: Once your phone restarts, you’ll find your Samsung emojis replaced with the stock Android versions!


Customizing your device to better fit your style and preferences enhances your overall user experience. With this simple Magisk module, you can enjoy the cleaner, more uniform look of stock Android emojis on your Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. It’s easy to install and completely reversible, should you decide to switch back. Give it a try and personalize your texting experience!

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